Fusing the unlikely yet powerful genres of street dance and classical ballet, Beats on Pointe brings art to the public by performing on the streets. With choreography spanning everything from contemporary breaking to hip-hop and jazz, performances are interspersed with comedy sketches, percussive breaks, beat-boxing and singing. With a headline show at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe and a range of dates across the UK, Beats on Pointe has developed a strong following since its debut back in 2016. 

Providing a variety of sponsorship opportunities, BDS have created a presentation that outlines how Beats on Pointe offers sponsors the unique chance to get involved with brands in sectors as far apart as beauty and clothing. Every bit as exciting as the brands themselves, sponsors have the opportunity to have their name presented in street dancing performances and fashion shows. The presentation materials also reveal how Beats on Pointe has garnered the attention of international brands such as Heineken, Rolex, and Formula 1. 


Recently approached by FEVER, a global ticketing platform, Beats on Pointe is set to become a strategic partner that will host shows across the globe. In addition to this exciting partnership, the act is also poised to be part of a TV documentary and feature length film.

By getting involved with Beats on Pointe, sponsors will have the opportunity to:

  • Obtain visibility through social media coverage to a large following
  • Receive tickets to performances
  • Attend meet and greet sessions with the performers
  • Host bespoke public performances
  • Enlist the performers for fashion shows and promotions 

Ultimately, the sponsorship opportunities with Beats on Pointe are every bit as exciting as the performance itself. To find out more about the ways that BDS Sponsorship can transform your business with a powerful sponsorship strategy, simply get in touch today.

Last Updated on May 16, 2024